Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Greatly Deluded Gatsby

I had never read the oh so talked about book, never heard a thing of it's story line, nor was curious to discover what was behind the hyped up film trailers.

But when the family wants to see a movie... we take it as a time to bond. It truly has brought some special moments ;)

I can say that I honestly was entranced the whole movie. And I think that's why I hated it. I hated what it made me feel. So in love. So confused. So passionate and angry. So much hope. I felt what they were feeling that is until the end when the allusion fell to pieces.  Everything had been built up to a lie. In Gatsby's last moments he was on a high. In the peak of his hope is when my train derailed from that useless track that lead to nowhere.
 During his flight I was tumbling back to reality. Realizing that I was now leaving a theatre with less hope than, with which I walked in with.

In the end I came to realize that it wasn't Gatsby that was so deceived. It was I. I had been carried away and lead to believe.  

When did I become so cynical?

Gatsby gave away half of his heart to love the other half. Part of him was missing because of an obsession that he chose. I don't feel it should be that way. Half of your heart shouldn't kill the other. That's just silly and absurd.

But then again, what is your heart? A muscle. It's as strong as you want it to be. It can be trained. It can love what you want it to.
Maybe the idea of "love" is role play and most people are faking it because role play is always more fun.

I hate that part of me truly believes that.

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